Portage township schools
Portage township schools

portage township schools

Per student funding is increasing by over $500, and the board had a very preliminary discussion about programs will best optimize the newly available money. The charter school is expecting to begin the fall with its maximum allowable enrollment of nearly 350 students in grades K-8. If the prediction holds, it helps shed some light on which districts will be most affected by the new Copper Island Academy. Some families are moving in as well as school of choice. We’ll have more numbers for you in August, but in all three buildings, I know I have heard an increase in the high school of about 17 students, and the middle school around 10. Principals are reporting to me that they have been touring and enrolling new families and students. Superintendent Doreen Kramer made the announcement at Monday’s Board of Education meeting. Contrary to earlier estimates, Houghton-Portage Township School District is now expecting more students for the 2021-22 school year.

Portage township schools